Fuyu V-Project

Art Samples

Vtuber Design


Base Price

Headshot > $15
Half Body > $26
Full Body > $40

Vtuber Avatar > $70
Rigging > $50

Background + $20,may increase depending on the complexity
Additional Character + $50
Additional Charge for Big Revisions
Free Character Sheet for Vtuber Commission


-Fanart/Original Character(OC)

Heavy NSFW

1.Prepare your references / documents (refer to the requirements in your chosen commission types).2.Send us a commission request with the references / documents through Email or Twitter,Discord,Facebook Direct Message.3.We will reply to accept,reject or ask more details for clarifications (if accpeted, we will provide the price and estimated turnaround time).4.Confirm the commission request, if no confirmation is made within 2 week the commission request will be cancelled.5.We will start working on the commission after client pay 50% of the price.6.We will send updates after the sketch is done (Client can send revisions in the sketching stage and small revisions after the illustration finished).7.Client can pay remaining 50% after the sketch is done and has been confirmed, and we will continue to finishing the illustration.8.Reviewing and small revisions.9.Commission Request Completed.

✧Terms of Service✧

By commissioning to us, client automatically agree to these terms

  • You can use our illustrations for commercial purposes if you get direct permission.

  • Client retain the rights to their characters while we reserve the rights to freely use the commissioned illustrations to promote our self and post it on our own platforms(please inform us if the commissioned illustrations needs to be temporarily kept secret).

  • We do not allow to reselling the commissioned illustrations without any permission.

  • We reserved the rights to decline a request for any reason.

  • The time to takes to finish the commission can be around 1 - 4 week depending on complexity of the work

  • Deadlines may be extanded depending on complexity of the work.

  • All commission are digital goods and commission will be delivered digitally.

  • All payments are via Paypal.

  • Client must pay 50% of the price first before we continue to work on the commissions.The remaining 50% can be paid after we completed the sketching stage.

  • Client can send Revisions on sketching stage, and small revisions on finalizing stage(Big Revisions cost additional fees)

  • No Refunds once we started working on your request,unless an emergency occurs where we are physically unable to finish the request on deadline